What I Learned in Boating School is…

Well, it’s been about a year since I first stood up this site, marked unceremoniously by changing out my certs and paying for some more hosting. As the title (and video below) alludes to, sometimes I have some writer’s block when I think about what I want to post here. I’ve also been a little busy.

For those who didn’t grow up watching SpongeBob, this video should provide some insight into the title, writer’s block, and if you want to read a little too far into it, imposter syndrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8AiuTO7sXY

Most excitingly, I got a new job! In May, I left my tier-3 helpdesk position and accepted a position with Texas State University’s Information Security Office. Most of my duties are GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance)-related, with a smattering of technical tasks, awareness-building, and phish-fighting mixed in. Overall, it’s probably a 60/40 or 70/30 split, depending on the day. I think what I’ve enjoyed most so far has been how much there is to learn, and how there is always something new or different to work on.

A little less excitingly, I’ve got a semester left until I’ve earned my MBA. This week is the final 2 classes of the summer Project Management course, which could be aptly named “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Scrum”. This fall, I’ll be taking what appears to be an e-commerce class, and working on a capstone project. I’m looking forward to graduation. For the past 3 or so years, I’ve been going to school full-time and working full-time. I’m tired, and want to be able to focus on some self-paced educational opportunities. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy that I’m finishing my degree, and I’m happy I chose to stay in the programs I did. Availability bias aside, it seems like I’ve been able to use everything I’ve learned up to this point almost daily. Except that one geology course I took in undergrad; that hasn’t paid off once (yet).

Far less excitingly, I feel it important to say that I got a robot to sweep my floors for me. His name is Anatoly. On the plus-side, he won’t sell the floor plans to my house. Minuses include being bumped up “the list” if a robot uprising happens, and having to occasionally crawl under furniture to retrieve a wailing robo-mop because it can’t find its way home. Maybe that robot uprising far off enough to not have to worry about it.

Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully I won’t have too many more “What I learned in Boating School is” moments and can start adding some content a little more regularly.